normal cholesterol

What Is Normal Cholesterol

With so much information on cholesterol problems, high cholesterol issues, and how to lower cholesterol, you have probably seen quite a bit of information on the dangers of high cholesterol.  The condition can lead to heart disease and heart attack.  It is important to understand your own body’s health and learn how to take charge to reach a normal cholesterol level.

However, you probably have quite a few questions, the main one being, what’s normal cholesterol?  Do not worry, because many people have heard the dangers of high cholesterol, but they do not know what normal is. 

When your cholesterol is checked, you will see three different numbers, an overall level, an HDL, and an LDL number.  Each one of these has its own range that all work together to comprise normal cholesterol.

The overall number is broken into three levels.  The best number you can hope for is anything under 200 mg.  If your level is 200-239 mg, then you are considered borderline.  Do you smoke?  Are you overweight?  Do you live an inactive life?  Does your family have a history of heart disease?  If you answer any of these with a “yes,” then the borderline number is then considered high.  Finally, anything over 240 mg is definitely a high level.

The second level number is HDL.  This is what many people call good cholesterol.  With this number, normal cholesterol is over 50 or 60 mg.  With HDL, the higher the number, the better.

Finally, there is LDL.  With LDL, or bad cholesterol, there are also three levels. Numbers less than 100 mg are normal or best.  100 to 159 mg is considered borderline and anything 160 mg or above is high. If your LDL is over 190 mg, then you are in the dangerously high category.

If you discover that you have high cholesterol levels, then you will need to take steps to achieve normal cholesterol. You will need to change several things in your lifestyle.  If you smoke, then definitely stop as quickly as possible.  Second, you will need to start an exercise regime and work on lowering you weight.

Your diet can do quite a bit to lower your cholesterol.  Cutting out red meats and dairy is a good idea.  Adding more fruits and vegetables, nuts and grains, will help your numbers.  Certain foods even actually lower your cholesterol levels.  These items include olive oil, oatmeal, and fish. 

You can also take dietary supplements with Omega-3 fatty acids to work on your cholesterol levels.  Finally, if the numbers are too high, then you can talk with your physician about adding a prescription medication.

Now that you know what’s normal cholesterol, and you know how to work on lowering your levels, you are on your way to a healthier lifestyle.  By making good choices, you can attain normal cholesterol quickly and safely.

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